Clan WoD Forum Rules
1. Manners
Have good manners and respect each other, this is the basic requirement of all rules.
If you can't follow this rule. Just go die.
2. Stay on Topic
Stay on topic, it's not hard. Don't change the subject. Each members are given 3 warnings.
When you have been warned 3 times you will be banned from the forum for a couple weeks/months
3. No Spamming
Don't make pointless posts. Responding with "Yea" or "lol" or those kind of responds are recommended as spamming.
Trolling, flaming and spamming are not allowed and double posting is not allowed too.
4. Report
If your having a problem with a member, just send a PM to ZeroX2)Fire or other Moderators, or you can click on the "!" to report, you must have a reason and proof to report.
5. No arguing
Don't argue on the forums, argue somewhere else. We DON'T allow you to use the PM system to argue too, please if you want to argue, argue on Warcraft or messengers. (This means NO FLAMING!!) ex. A. YOU SUCK AT ZRPG!! B. NO, YOU SUCK HARDER!!
6. Keep the text font/size etc, clean.
This isn't hard at all, don't keep changing text fonts and make the font's clean. Don't use colors that are hard to read.
7. No adult materials
Please do not post pornography, alcohol, tobacco or any materials that deals with
adultery. There are many young members in the forums. Any member who goes against this rule
will be banned immidiately and permenantly.
8. No strong languages
Yeah, you can use "some" of the bad words, but no strong ones. This goes against Rule#1.
Just don't post bad words, do you really need too?
9. English
All the posts needs to be in English, the forum members aren't Chinese or Japanese don't be stupid and put Konichiwa.
If you don't know English, I don't think you should join. (How the hell are you reading this if you don't know English!?)
10. Avatar
Please keep your avatar small, 100x100 is big enough. If we see you with a huge avatar, it'll be a warning and will be deleted.
Thanks, -ZeroX2)Fire
P.S. You do NOT have to be in Clan WoD to join the forum.